For Golden Gallon Acres -
Only members of the Golden Gallon Acres buying association are able to use this site to make purchases from Aaron Fisher, member and owner of Golden Gallon Acres farm. Members are bound by the Membership Agreement which reads:
I recognize that members of Golden Gallon Acres exercise their right to “freedom of association”
as guaranteed by the 1st and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution and equivalent
provisions of the various State Constitutions. This means that our Association activities are
restricted to the private domain only.
The purpose of this Association is to allow members free and independent choice of nutrient
dense diet and natural health through products and services offered by fellow members. The
Association strives to provide healthy food choices and the most effective means of delivery of
these foods at an affordable fee. More specifically, the Association specializes in raw milk
products and grass fed / pastured meats which are offered as alternatives to other, more processed
types of food as a service and benefit to members.
THEREFORE the following principles apply to all my involvement in the Association:
1. Products and services are supplied by fellow members of the Association and done so in
the capacity of a fellow, private member and not in the capacity of a licensed wholesaler,
retailer, or provider.
2. Within the Association, no wholesaler / retailer / provider and customer relationships
exist. Rather, only a contract member to member relationship exists.
3. My involvement in the Association is not one of customer / consumer, but as a member
receiving goods/services from other members. I agree to recognize the farm owner,
Aaron Fisher, as a fellow member whom I entrust as most qualified to provide the
products and services of the farm due to his experience and skill. I recognize I am not a
customer of the farm, but a member of the farm’s Association.
4. It is entirely my own responsibility to consider the recommendations, services, and
products offered to me by fellow members and to educate myself as to the efficacy, risks,
and desirability of the same.
5. Any request made by me to a fellow member to assist me or provide me with
recommendations, services, or products is my own free decision in an exercise of my
rights and made by me for my benefit and I agree to hold other members of the
Association, including the farm owner and staff, harmless from any unintentional liability
for the results of such recommendations, services, or products except for harm from
instances of a clear and present danger of substantive evil as defined by the United States
Supreme Court.
6. I understand that since the Association is protected by the 1st nd 14th Amendments to the
U.S. Constitution, it is outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and State
Agencies and Authorities concerning any and all complaints or grievances against the
Association or any of its members including the farm owner and staff. Because the
privacy and security of membership records maintained within the Association, which
have been held inviolate by the U.S. Supreme Court, I waive any and all legal complaint
process. I agree that violation of any waivers in this membership contract will result in a
contest legal proceeding against me.
7. All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association Committee
including the farm owner and fellow members.
8. The Association does not participate in any insurance plans.
9. As a member, I accept the goal of helping my body function better and choosing food
products that are very safe, realizing that no product testing is foolproof. Other aspects of
informed consent will take place in my discussions with fellow members of the
Association who provide recommendations, products, or services.
10. My activities with the Association are a private matter which I refuse to share with the
State Medical Board(s), the FDA, FTC, State Milk Board(s), USDA, Agricultural
Board(s), and any other government agency without express Association permission. All
records and documents remain as property of the Association, even if I receive a copy of
11. I fully agree not to file a liability lawsuit against a fellow member of the Association
unless that member exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil. I
acknowledge that the members of the Association do not carry liability insurance.
12. I affirm I do not represent any State of Federal agency whose purpose is to regulate and
approve products.
13. I understand that the membership fee ($25) entitles me to receive the benefit of lifetime
access to recommendations, products, and services as offered by members of the
Association with “lifetime” meaning the lifetime of the membership Association, said
term beginning with the signing of this contract.
14. I understand that upon payment for any product, said product is now my sole property
even before it has been shipped from the farm. Therefore, product in transit is my
responsibility as it is my property.
The Association will recognize any person (irrespective of race, ethnicity, or religion) who is in
accordance with these principles and the purpose of the Association and has paid their dues in
full as a member and will provide a medium through which its individual members may
associate for actuating and bringing to fruition the purposes of the Association.
I hereby certify, attest, and warrant that I have carefully read the above Golden Gallon Acres
Membership Contract and I fully understand and agree with the same. I enter into this agreement
of my own free will or on the behalf of my dependent without any pressure or promise of any
recommendations, products, or services. I understand that I can withdraw from this agreement
and terminate my membership in this Association at any time. This contract consists of the entire
agreement for my membership in the Association and supersedes any previous agreement.